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Notes for using Clip Studio Paint
Resources > Clip Studio Paint
I have been using the Clip Studio Paint (CSP) program to draw digitally for a few years now; roughly every six months since 2017, I have been publishing a collection of my notes (in Italian language) on the use of the program in my spaces on the Internet and on the Clip Studio Paint Italia Facebook group (which I invite interested parties to join).
Initially in a rather 'rustic' form, over time I have given them a slightly more usable form, similar to a real publication, so that they can be useful not only to me, but also to those who normally use CSP.

The lack of documentation in Italian is one of the problems complained about by many in the above-mentioned Fb group (OK, also of an Italian version of the programme, but unfortunately this is beyond my possibilities): these are notes created for my consultation, a work in progress that is constantly being updated and modified; I decided to share them because, in their own small way, these notes are a bit of documentation. They are specifically intended in Italian language, because they were born to help me, and only later I shared them to those looking for material in Italian. At the moment I have no intention of providing a translation. So, if you download the, be aware: they're in Italian!

Well, my notes are not really a manual, but they certainly contain a lot of material and are the result of 'field' experience: every time I find a problem and manage to solve it, I write down how I did it, because - you never know - it might happen again!


Other resources
Follow these links for other resources I have made:

Clip Studio Official Expert
At the beginning of April 2023 I received an email from Celsys in which I was offered to become a Clip Studio Paint Evangelist.
The name is high-sounding - in other contexts the similar figure is the Ambassador - but in essence the Evangelist is a CSP expert engaged in the creation of an active community through Celsys services (e.g. Clip Studio Ask) and social media, who also collaborates with the programme developers in the development of new features and new versions.
I am quite happy with this opportunity, also because it came from Celsys independently without any kind of intervention or request on my part (indeed, I did not know that this type of figure existed for CSP). Probably the activity that I have been doing for some years in various ways in support of CSP (the interventions in various dedicated groups and in CSP Ask, the requests and proposals that I occasionally send to the parent company and perhaps, who knows, even my notes) was noticed and in this way formalised.
Obviously, I accepted 😄.
Finally, since January 2024, the Evangelists have been renamed Official Experts.

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