To draw digitally, I have been using the Clip Studio Paint (CSP) program for a few years now; since the very first times, I have been gradually collecting notes on the problems I encountered, along with the solutions I found: on my own, by fiddling with the program, or online on various sites and thanks to the very valuable Facebook group Clip Studio Paint Italia. Over time, the notes became quite meaty, so much so that eventually I thought maybe it would be worthwhile to collect them in a book.
Between late 2023 and early 2024, I spent a lot of time on this project, and now, with much happiness, I finally announce the publication of Creare Fumetti con Clip Studio Paint (Creating Comics with Clip Studio Paint), published by Italian publisher Libri Sandit.
The book is not really a manual, but rather a guide to using the program, discovering its potential and features, even the lesser known ones; it includes many practical examples and short step-by-step tutorials. It also contains links to many resources on the Web with which to delve deeper into the topics covered and the possibility of downloading extra chapters that could not be included in the hard copy.
The lack of documentation in Italian is one of the problems complained by many in the Fb CSP Italy group, and this is the only book in Italian dedicated to Clip Studio Paint!
Obviously, the book is suitable mostly for Italian users, but if you wan to buy it anyway, click on the image or on this link!
Other resources
Follow these links for other resources I have made:
At the beginning of April 2023 I received an email from Celsys in which I was offered to become a Clip Studio Paint Evangelist.
The name is high-sounding - in other contexts the similar figure is the Ambassador - but in essence the Evangelist is a CSP expert engaged in the creation of an active community through Celsys services (e.g. Clip Studio Ask) and social media, who also collaborates with the programme developers in the development of new features and new versions.
I am quite happy with this opportunity, also because it came from Celsys independently without any kind of intervention or request on my part (indeed, I did not know that this type of figure existed for CSP). Probably the activity that I have been doing for some years in various ways in support of CSP (the interventions in various dedicated groups and in CSP Ask, the requests and proposals that I occasionally send to the parent company and perhaps, who knows, even my notes) was noticed and in this way formalised.
Obviously, I accepted 😄.
Finally, since January 2024, the Evangelists have been renamed Official Experts.